Tuner Joe
Sun Aug 11 2013 14:08:12 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
The internet did it so you don’t have to. Here’s the worst racing movie in history, Driven, edited down to two-minute form—only the crashes.
Driven is not merely the worst racing movie ever. It’s one of the worst Hollywood movies ever produced. The plot is insipid, the characters loathsome, the action unwatchable. One critic compared watching Driven to contracting a horrible skin disease, with the disease being preferable.
If there are any entertaining moments at all in Driven, they might be in the crash scenes. Each one is a hilarious violation of physics, good taste, and common sense. It’s as though producer Sylvester Stallone and director Renny Harlin (who should both be in jail for this, frankly) were attempting to invent a new form of pornographic violence but missed. Viewers will in no way be moved—except to howls of laughter.
Thank you to JaunKym (YouTube channel here) for distilling Driven to its most watchable form.